Tog-Talk with Kevin Ahronson
Helen Davies Profile Photo


I started learning how to use a DSLR camera in 2016. I was trying to take a photo of some flowers with my husband's camera but could only take them in auto mode, so I decided I should do a course to learn how to use it properly. I really enjoyed it, so after the beginner's course, I did the improver's course and realised I was hooked.

One of the sessions we did was on fast and slow shutter speed. For the fast shutter speed I took a photo of a kitchen tap running, I found it so interesting, as it froze the water into shapes that you never see with the naked eye as it’s so fast. So I rigged up a set-up with a plastic bag with water in and a hole so the water could drip out into the water below.

It was tricky to capture the drop because it’s so fast, but I did get a few, which really got me interested. I found a workshop for water drop photography and booked a session using a Splash Art Water Photography kit, which made it a lot easier to control and capture the waterdrops at the time you wanted.

So I brought one and realised there were other liquids you could use with it as well. I used paint and coke and various liquors, as they all have different viscosity and you can get different results with each of them.

I love to do creative tabletop top photograph. My kitchen table is my studio, which is a bit annoying when I have to take everything down so we can have dinner! I like the challenge of working out how I can set up a shot and capture the photo that I have in mind.

I’ve just brought a high power flash with a super-fast flash duration, so I’m now experimenting with what I can do with that.

April 19, 2022

Creative Table Top Photography with guest Helen Davies

In this weeks's Tog-Talk, Helen reveals her secrets for taking great table-top shots...  and along the way, we have a few giggles as well.
Guest: Helen Davies