Tog-Talk with Kevin Ahronson
Tracey Clarkson Profile Photo

Mixed Media Artist

Tracey is the first student from HSP to progress to the role of teaching, she assists Kevin In the beginners' one-day workshop, Introduction To Photography.

Tracey Joined the first one-year Masterclass in 2019 and went on to complete a number of other workshops before eventually joining Kevin's Inner Circle in September 2021.

She joined the original HSP Support Team in 2019, assisting Kevin on larger workshops, being there for the students.

Tracey often combines her photography with painting, describing herself as a mixed-media artist, producing original artwork that is quite stunning. She has a great eye for the visually interesting.

March 3, 2022

What lenses would you pick, if you could only choose three?

Imagine you could only pick THREE lenses to last you for the rest of your life, which ones would you pick? Kevin and Tracey discuss their choices and find out they are not as dissimilar as they thought.
Feb. 12, 2022

Ten things I wish I'd known before I became a photographer

What are some of those key things that, if you had learnt them as a beginner photographer, it would have made your life so much easier?
Feb. 4, 2022

Photography, It's not all about the gear... is it?

You may have heard that some photographers suffer from GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome). I've been there myself... constantly needing to buy the latest cameras and lenses. It really doesn't make us better photographers.